Friday, June 27, 2008

that's it - that's it - that's all there is ...

well . . . hmm, yeah - still kind of in a state of shock -
I went to work today -
I came home twenty minutes later . . .
I was literally escorted out of the building! At least they didn't have a sheriff's deputy take me out in cuffs ...
I was monitored for 2 hours on Monday night - which is simply having a supervisor observe and evaluate how things are going - I guess it didn't go so well since - that's it . . .

came in today and it's done. The supervisor who actually had the duty to carry out the task said, "hey, you get the weekend off!"
Then, "Clean out your locker - I'll need your ID cards and Parking Permit . . . "
The letter they handed me says "non-disciplinary termination from the training program"
Which I thought was kind of humorous - like saying, "you aren't being punished, but ... yeah .... we give up - goodbye"
Very odd, how they handle things in the department ...

Ezri was still napping when I got back, so she didn't have to see me upset, which was a blessing, she is so sweet. (I was looking in my work-bag for a pen, and she had put a binki in every pocket made me smile, and I left with dignity...)

She napped until 9pm!! I had time to pull myself together, send my resume to 3 employers, give myself a reality check . . . (picturing myself with my huge pregnant belly going on interviews . . .) then file for unemployment benefits and an extension of health insurance.

but "Hey" I have the weekend off!

It's sad - I felt like it was a job I could do for a long time... and no more 911 stories ...
I'm looking on the bright side - who knows what will be next? Maybe Christian will get a job!
And I'll get to spend some time with my babies - just being mommy for now.


Valerie said...

Kim, so sad. They can do that? Just say goodbye for no reason? It doesn't sound legel. Hopefully everything works out.

Kimberly said...

I should scan in the letter they gave me - it's a classic. Honestly - their loss more than mine! I didn't even miss a single hour of work to go to a prenatal or anything. . . eh, que sera sera!

Jessica said...

Kim I am so sorry! This SAME thing happened to me when I was 5 months pregnant. I was going to file a complaint etc, etc., but decided not to. It makes you SO MAD!
You do what I did, file unemployment & get medicade. It sucks to have to rely on the state, but we were in a huge bind at the time. And it is not forever. It was really nice to have everything paid for! including medical, formula, and an IUD.
Now Christen has NO choice but to get out there and get a job. It is time for you to enjoy Ezri, and the rest of your pregnany.
Call me if you need anything

Susie Miner said...

Kimmi! That is a total bummer! I loved those 911 stories...I say enjoy your unemployment. I will tell you what I told Erica, there is very little time in life when you can claim you are completely unemployable, and this really is one of them, so just enjoy it while it lasts! XXOO, Suz