Saturday, September 6, 2008

Super Amazing Toe!!


Jessica said...

Are they totally webbed together? Sweet!

BDawg said...

I say leave it alone! That there is some rocking toe, a great conversation starter (or ender?) whenever he needs.

Trent said...

2028 Summer Olympics, Zain breaks Michael Phelps gold medal records. Controversy follows.

I read the description of the birth on the Family Blog. Many words and phrases I was not familiar with and ones that I was familiar with, such as "total blow out", did not create a desirable image in my head. Congrats on making it though it all. We are excited for you next trip to IF since we missed you last time you wre in town.

the mama monster said...

yeah baby zain and abe have super close birthdays! he looks like ezri in the pictures, i love his chubby little face. i like the webbed toe it adds character. sorry that your birth story wasn't so great. i had a similiar but much less traumatic story with ezra ( he was 9 lbs 3 oz too) and it took a long time to recover. take it easy!

BDawg said...

I quite reading the birthing description when I got to "triple episiotomy." Some words just shouldn't be used together. . .

Hope things improve for you and Zain!