Saturday, January 24, 2009

more craftiness

made a fancy little doll dress

Zain has been closing his mouth and drooling a lot less today

The hook and eye closure is hidden under a crossover back. Unfortunately, Snow White can do nothing to hide her V.P.L. in this form fitting evening gown. Sorry, Snow.


Buffy said...

Very impressive kim - that is some tiny pieces to be sewing.

Liz said...

What is VPL? Good job sewing something so tiny!

Jeff and Rose said...

Wow, Santa baby...that's a pretty sexy doll dress. She needs some stilletos made out of cardstock and a bent paperclip to match.

Valerie said...

What? How on earth did you manage to make that dress? I tried to make a little shirt/dress for one of Riley's dolls once. Never tried again. Where is Christians interview?

Kimberly said...

I looked at some intricate patterns on-line, and then decided to just make it out of Ezri's Christmas stocking. The fabric is a little stretchy, so it was easier to put on the doll.
Christian's interview was in Morgan Hill, about an hour south east of here. No Job offer, though.
We are going to tough out the winter here, (rough, I know, Ezri and Zain were at the park in shorts again this week . . . ) then make our move - probably to Brigham until we can find some work and get it together.

Jessica said...

I had never thought about it until I was watching First Look on HBO about the new movie Coraline. There is an career out of crocheting and sewing itty bitty clothing for movie set prop characters. I see a second career in your future.