Ezri has been doing so good in her class - that I felt confident enough to come home and do my own crafty. Zain loves his key fob - Ezri hooks hers to her Blue's Clues leash. It was nice, and I got to walk back and forth between home and class an extra time. Hey - not a 7 mile run - but every little bit helps.
When we picked up our mail on the way to class - the little hardware package had already arrived - and I was thrilled to put it to use so soon.
The teacher had all of the kids hiding behind their sunshine masks. I think the idea was to have all of the kids reveal their faces at the same time? . . . but Ezri jumped up "Mooooooommmmeeeeee!" as soon as the door opened, hugged her teacher - then we left - with the rest of the class still lined up with their masks on.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by Kimberly at 8:18 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
After Zain found the last bit of Mac'N'Cheese in the bottom of the bowl - I made theseCute baby booties . . .
So cute, I stayed up a little later and made a Pair for Zain, too.
I'm normally really annoyed when he wakes up right at 10:30 - just as I'm falling asleep . . .
but, tonight I was thrilled - they were just finished, and I could try them on him. I don't know how comfortable they are, but he crawled all over, and they didn't fall off - so I am calling it a success.
You can find the pattern by following The Michael Miller link on the left.
I didn't take pictures of Ezri's fat lip - she flew ~face first~ out of her swing at the park today. It doesn't look too bad. She's a tough gal.
Posted by Kimberly at 11:45 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Ezri's pictures
Ezri got a camera for her birthday - it must be the same camera Macie and Riley have - you can put a pirate eye patch on the pictures . . .
Here are some of her shots.
Posted by Kimberly at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Down Low Too Slow
I do dress my children - it was just exceptionally hot on Tuesday.
Posted by Kimberly at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Cool Beans & Doodlebug Week 4
Among the "Earth Day" projects the Doodle Bugs worked on this week, was this clay, rocks, stick, pine-cone, and shell sculpture. I managed to get a few pictures before Ezri remodeled it . . .
The bean plant is growing strong - lots of pink blooms, and a few bean pods developing.
Posted by Kimberly at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Half Moon Bay (a.k.a. Sorry, Brad . . . )
The forecast was 70* and partly cloudy, but Pacific beach was fogged over. We were all loaded into the car in our swim suits, and everyone we could see was wearing a coat! So we decided to go the extra 12 miles to Half Moon Bay - even though I didn't pack a bottle for Zain. It was worth the extra driving, and Zain was fine(I didn't even have to try to maneuver my swim-suit for breast-feeding.) They both conked out on the ride home, and Zain didn't seem to mind borrowing one of Ezri's hats. Hey, at least it isn't pink.
Posted by Kimberly at 6:22 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Bean Flower Bud!!!
awwww - she can be so sweet.
Luckily she has Zain to pick on at home.
Posted by Kimberly at 2:14 PM 6 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Discovery Museum
Ezri's comment on the Bay, "So sparkly and glittery!"Zain's favorite part of the day was the delicious applesauce.
And the best part of making Easter Eggs - you get to eat them for lunch!
Posted by Kimberly at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Doodlebug art class week 2
Ezri did not want her picture taken, so Zain will model her hat. I am glad I took this picture, because I didn't even realize that there was crayon all over the wall. Magic eraser to the rescue~I wonder if she asked for a Blues Clues coloring page. I like the pink tongue.
There was candy hidden in the bottom of this carrot basket!The projects have been very spring themed. I liked this bunny rocket they made. Zain enjoyed Ezri's bunny puppet "hop hop hop" Chek out the whiskers she put under its nose, and the bushy eyebrows!
Ezri really likes her classmates and teacher. When I went to Tai Chi the other night, she asked me if her teacher taught my class. I thought that was pretty cute. I love that when I ask her about class, she actually tells me about the things that they did. "We danced and sang twinkle twinkle, and I glued, but no painting today, and one boy was crying, and one kid went crazy."
Sounds like fun.
Posted by Kimberly at 5:04 PM 5 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Well, my kids fell asleep today at 6:30. (Hallllllaaaaaaaayllllloooooja!)
After a week of waking up at 6 am, then staying up past 8pm - it was a welcome siesta. So, I whipped out my handy "to do" list . . . hmmmmmm
start "Billy's Boot Camp". . .
booring boooooooring, and too sweaty
So I looked at my project list -
too complicated, too expensive, too involved, don't have all the supplies . . .
- wait -
I do remember a little toy ball I wanted to make -
and there you have it, a toy ball and a stuffed pear. A fine way to spend a very quiet evening.
Ezri can give them to her doggies in the morning, and Zain can have fun chewing the ribbons on the ball thing while I do the fun cleaning stuff.
Posted by Kimberly at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
the wind here is carrying some sort of allergen that has given me trouble since moving here. The past 3 years have been bad, with last year being the worst, pregnant and all - but I can really relate to my hay-fever siblings. It is quite awful - I know a sudafed would knock it out, but I am holding off as long as I can, because it gets into the breast milk.
So, today we stayed inside. mostly cleaning, and trying to get organized --
I love checking out oneprettything.com for crafty ideas and free patterns or tutorials, and found a good one for a kid's bedside organizer. I have some super cute fabric that I almost used, but then decided to save it for something else.
Zain graduated to the full-size crib last night, and I didn't like how the red and black bed skirt went with his green froggy/monkey side of the room. And since I can't figure out how to get the bed skirt to work on the bunk-bed, I decided to use it for the kiddie organizer.
This is how well it went:
Step one:
melt goo to your iron
Step two:
disassemble bed skirt
(now take a break to clean poo out of the bathtub)
Step 3:
reassemble bed skirt and nail it to the wall
Posted by Kimberly at 7:18 PM 1 comments